lunes, 4 de junio de 2018

Módulo 6 Actividad Integradora: My family routine

Módulo 6 Semana 3 Actividad Integradora: My family routine

Student name: xxxxxxxx.
Teacher name: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 28 april 2018
Integrative activity  My family routine
Week 3 Module 6
Group: M6C2G13-053

What time do you wake up?
She wakes up at 6 am
What time does he take a shower?
She takes a shower at 7 am
What time do you have breakfast?
She has breakfast at 8 am
What time does she go to work?
She does not work is a housewife
What food do you like?
She likes roast beef and seafood
Do you like travel?
She likes to travel
Do you like to walk?
She likes to walk
What hobbies or sports do you like?
She likes baseball
What time does she dinner?
She has dinner at 8 pm
What time does  go to bed?
She goes to bed at 10 pm

Interviewed: My mother.
Her name is Patricia Meza, she is 47 years old, his eyes are dark Brown and his hair is short Brown. She does not work is a housewife, she gets up at 6 am and breakfast at 8 am; he likes to eat roast meat, seafood, he likes to travel and sports baseball. She makes dinner at 8 pm and finally  goes to sleep at 10 o´clock pm.


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